S1 EP18 | Zelda 35th Anniversary Commemorative...Beers! (Part 1)

S1 EP18 | Zelda 35th Anniversary Commemorative...Beers! (Part 1)


Mike and Ryan celebrate the 35th anniversary of their favorite gaming franchise by brewing commemorative beers, and surprise the AZP crew with a taste! HOSTS: Ryan Kuhn, Mike Newton Check out our website: brewthersinlaw.com @ on Instagram and @ on Twitter. This has been a production of Sixfive Media 2021

Mike and Ryan celebrate the 35th anniversary of their favorite gaming franchise by brewing commemorative beers, and surprise the AZP crew with a taste!

HOSTS: Ryan Kuhn, Mike Newton

Check out our website: brewthersinlaw.com

@ on Instagram and @ on Twitter.

This has been a production of Sixfive Media 2021