S1 EP15 | Personal Brand

S1 EP15 | Personal Brand


If half the fun of brewing beer is sharing it, then half the fun of sharing your beer is branding it. Mike and Ryan discuss their approach to choosing a name, logo, and label when presenting a new brew. HOSTS: Ryan Kuhn, Mike Newton Check out our website: brewthersinlaw.com @ on Instagram and @ on Twitter. This has been a production of Sixfive Media 2021

If half the fun of brewing beer is sharing it, then half the fun of sharing your beer is branding it. Mike and Ryan discuss their approach to choosing a name, logo, and label when presenting a new brew.

HOSTS: Ryan Kuhn, Mike Newton

Check out our website: brewthersinlaw.com

@ on Instagram and @ on Twitter.

This has been a production of Sixfive Media 2021